Male Breast

Man Boobs, How Do You Come From?

Men in this article, I want to talk to you about something that affects many men, namely man boobs . This is the extra fat around your breasts or abnormal growth of the breast tissue.

Personally, I think man boobs is one of the biggest uncertainties of men, whatever situation it may be. But how do you get rid of your man boobs? Do you need surgery or do you have to perform specific breast exercises to get rid of it?

Male boobs or gynecomastia in doctor’s language. Is something that many young men face. To know how you can get rid of it, it is good to know where it comes from, or in fact it still comes from.

Man boobs, fat or gynecomastia?

If you suffer from man boobs, it can have two things to do. You have excess fat around your breasts or you suffer from gynacomastia. Often you can see from the breasts whether it is fat or gynecomastia.

Man boobs by gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the development of breast tissue in men in an abnormal way. This has to do with an imbalance in the hormones. In other words, too much of the female hormone estrogen or too little testosterone.

As long as your hormone balance is in order nothing can go wrong. But as soon as the female hormone estrogen shoots up, all sorts of weird things can happen in your body. Like the appearance of breast buttons behind the nipples. This can range from swollen nipples to developing breasts that many women will be jealous of.

Is it dangerous? Not in most cases. But does it make you insecure as a man? Absolutely!

Gynecomastia in steroid users

Men who use steroids give themselves more hormones than is normal. The result is that your body gets completely confused. Your body wants to keep all hormones in balance, while steroids ensure that the balance is completely disrupted.

The extra testosterone provides more muscle mass, but one of the disadvantages of steroids is that you also ingest a large amount of the female hormone estrogen. The production of estrogen in your body becomes so big with the result: hard breasts behind your nipples or even breasts.

The good news is that with the one-time use of steroids, you do not have to worry. The breast buttons will automatically shrink and eventually disappear.

But if you are on steroids for a long time, your body can never recover and this has major consequences. The breast tissue that you develop becomes hard as time goes on. The only way to get rid of man boobs is to have an operation cut away by simply saying it.

Gynacomastia in adolescents

Unlike steroid users, adolescents can not help it that they suffer from gynacomastia. As soon as we get into puberty, there is a lot going on in our bodies. Your body changes, your voice becomes heavier, you get hair growth, but you can also develop gynacomastia.

The good news is that it usually only lasts 6 to 2 years and then automatically goes away again. You do not have to do anything about this. You just have to let it go and do not think too much about it.

Man boobs do not go away

In some cases, the man boobs do not go away whatever you try. In this case, it is best to go to the plastic surgeon for a consultation. If you are of course insecure about it.

The plastic surgeon will ensure that the excess breast tissue will be removed. But before you decide to go under the knife, it might be better to follow a waste and workout program. Because in 9 out of 10 cases it is not gynacomastia, but pure fat around the breasts.

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