
Paleo Diet For Athletes

Paleo Diet

The basic principle of the Paleolithic or Paleo diet is derived from the food patterns displayed by early man and dates back more than 10,000 years. The premise of this form of diet is that human beings are intrinsically accustomed to food items that are in their most natural form. This leads to the increasingly popular belief that people should refrain from consuming factory-processed foods, which offer nothing but empty calories and have been found to cause numerous diseases as well. With the success rate of the caveman diet, it is no surprise that fitness experts are showing a greater inclination towards the Paleo diet for athletes as well.

The purpose of suggesting a Paleo diet for athletes is:

For any athlete, it is important to maintain his wellness and health at optimum levels, and the best way to do that is to adapt to a nutrition system that provides him with complete nourishment with the minimum threat to his health. The Paleo diet for athletes is an ideal option because it plays a vital role in supporting their fitness regimens and replenishing their energy levels. Since the Paleolithic diet primarily aims to make organic foods a part of people’s diets, it helps athletes keep up with their targeted weight and nutrition without packing on any extra pounds.

Moreover, the wholesome nutritional values packed into the hunter-gatherer diet plan greatly emphasize high protein consumption while minimizing the carbohydrate count to a greater extent. The recommended food items as part of the caveman diet are exactly the same as what athletes are advised to eat by their nutritionists, including healthy doses of lean meats, vegetables, and fruits.

Foods that are part of the Paleo diet for athletes:

The Paleo diet for athletes follows pretty much the same rules as it does for anyone who wants to follow the diet regimen. There are, however, a few exceptions to the rule, especially for athletes who want to follow the Paleolithic diet. The permissible caveman foods for athletes include:

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates, especially those acquired from refined grains, are forbidden as part of the hunter-gatherer diet. For athletes, however, there is a special exception to the rule, as they need to consume carbohydrates in larger quantities in order to fuel their high-energy practice and game sessions. In fact, athletes can consume carbohydrates if they stay within the parameters of carbohydrate consumption as prescribed by the Paleo diet for athletes.

The most important thing to be careful about is the sugar index of the carbohydrates the athletes consume. The diet suggests sticking to glycemic levels that are in the low to medium range before a strenuous exercise routine or gaming event. The same should be followed to replenish the energy levels after a player gets through the training or game. As a general rule, the caveman diet strongly prohibits rice, bread, and pasta, but considers them permissible for athletes if they consume them within the recommended range.

Lean meats: Lean meats form an essential food group in the Paleolithic diet and are also considered to be a compulsory part of the Paleo diet for athletes. Since lean meats have a minimum fatty content, they are ideal for athletes to consume as they offer a high protein count, which is extremely important for any athlete to successfully carry on with high-energy workouts and gaming sessions.

Items like boneless and skinless chicken pieces, lean meat steaks, and fish filets—all acquired from free-range animals—are especially recommended for the strenuous regimens athletes have to follow. Seafood should especially be considered a staple food item for athletes, as it not only provides essential proteins but is also rich in good fats.

Eggs are also an excellent source of protein and prove to be a vital part of the Paleo diet for athletes when acquired from poultry animals raised in their natural environs. The higher levels of protein contained in meats are excellent for athletes, as they help them build up muscle and recover from any injury resulting from torn tissues.

Raw foods: The Paleo diet for athletes is strongly inclined towards the consumption of vegetarian items like fruits and vegetables in their most natural and raw form. By consuming them without cooking, the nutritional value of these live food items remains intact. For this reason, athletes’ nutritionists make salads a necessary part of their diet plans in order to provide them nutrients like vitamins and calcium through the consumption of vegetables like carrot, kale, turnip, cucumber, salad greens, and radish.

Since athletes need a high calcium count to maintain their strength and vitality, the restrictions on dairy items can sometimes prove to be a challenge. However, leafy greens like kale are also considered to be rich sources of calcium and can help supplement their calcium requirements effectively.

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